Grief Therapy
Personal Growth
Relationship & Attachment
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Death and Dying Support

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Remember. Discover. Come Home.


Have you been uprooted by a life-limiting diagnosis or significant life event? Are you revisiting an ancient wound or tending to a fresh loss? Are you facing death, your own or a loved one’s?

None of us will get through life without being initiated by loss: broken open by its power, disassembled and remade. And none of us will escape the mystery of death.


But you don’t have to face these experiences alone.

I’m Anat — grief therapist, death and dying guide and soul midwife. With deep compassion, a courageous heart and a warm and calming presence, I companion individuals and families through the dark waters of grief, the realms of personal transformation and the mysteries of death and dying — supporting the healing alchemy of these initiations.

Combining years as an interfaith hospital chaplain with potent personal experience, a deeply empathic heart and skills from neuroscience, mindfulness and meditative practice, I hold space for your deeper story to unfold.

Together we will re-member the fragmented pieces, discover the jewel hidden in the darkness and find our way Home — to Love, to connection, to our deepest Self.

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When we inevitably encounter the many faces of death and loss, one question remains: can we meet this too with an open heart?
— Anat LeBlanc